Carson House Partners
The Carson House Partners are the main body of volunteers at the Historic Carson House. The Partners plan our fundraisers, make sure our fundraisers are successful, and volunteer at all of our events. Many of our Partners don't have a background in history, but have worked in various fields like marketing, event planning, public relations, human resources, designers, gardeners, caterers, teachers, and the list goes on!
If you'd like to join the Carson House Partners, please call us at (828) 724-4948 or email us at info@historiccarsonhouse.com and we will be happy to add you to our email list.
If you'd just like to stop by our monthly meeting and meet our wonderful group, we meet the third Wednesday of every month at 2 p.m., April through November at the Carson House.
If you are more focused on history than events, we have a place for you, too! Docents train under a current tour guide until they are proficient in the materials of the house and its history.
This is a great position if you'd like to learn more about local history!
Once a docent is trained, they are cleared to give guided tours, train further to work with archival materials, and participate in research projects with our staff! We work with your schedule, so if you are interested in becoming a docent, give us a call at (828) 724-4948 or email us at info@historiccarsonhouse.com and we'd love to work with you.